Source code for histastro.moon

#  Copyright (c) 2019-2023  Marc van der Sluys -
#  This file is part of the HistAstro Python package,
#  see:
#  This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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"""Moon functions for HistAstro."""

import math as m
import numpy as np
from histastro.constants import pi2,r2d,jd2000,moonRad  # ,d2r

[docs] def readData(inFile='data/moonposMeeus.csv'): """ Return the periodic terms for the ELP82B theory from moonposMeeus.csv. - Two arrays aand return them in two arrays: one for longitude and distance, and one for latitude. Args: inFile (str): Name of the input file, including (relative or absolute) path. Optional, default value = 'data/moonposMeeus.csv'. Returns: tuple (float,float): Tuple containing (lrTerms, bTerms): - lrTerms (float): Numpy array containing six columns with periodic terms for longitude and distance. The first four columns contain arguments for both variables, the last two the coefficients for longitude and distance: - 1 (int): Multiplication factor for the mean elongation of the Moon. - 2 (int): Multiplication factor for the mean anomaly of the Sun. - 3 (int): Multiplication factor for the mean anomaly of the Moon. - 4 (int): Multiplication factor for the Moon's argument of latitude. - 5 Coefficient of the sine of the argument, for the longitude (rad). - 6 Coefficient of the cosine of the argument, for the distance (km). - bTerms (float): Numpy array containing five columns periodic terms for latitude. The first four columns contain arguments, the last contains the coefficients for latitude: - 1 (int): Multiplication factor for the mean elongation of the Moon. - 2 (int): Multiplication factor for the mean anomaly of the Sun. - 3 (int): Multiplication factor for the mean anomaly of the Moon. - 4 (int): Multiplication factor for the Moon's argument of latitude. - 5 Coefficient of the sine of the argument, for the latitude (rad). References: - [Jean Meeus: Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Ed. (1998)](, Ch.47. """ lrTerms = np.genfromtxt(inFile, delimiter=',', skip_header=1, max_rows=60) # Longitude and radius (6 columns: 4 args, 2 coefs) bTerms = np.genfromtxt(inFile, delimiter=',', skip_header=61, max_rows=60) # Latitude (5 columns: 4 args, 1 coef) return lrTerms,bTerms
[docs] def compute_lbr(jde, lrTerms,bTerms, debug=False): """ Compute the geocentric ecliptic coordinates of the Moon for the equinox of date for the given JDE. Args: jde (float): Julian Day in dynamical time, i.e., corrected for Delta T (days). lrTerms (float): Numpy array with ELP82 periodic terms for longitude and distance. bTerms (float): Numpy array with ELP82 periodic terms for latitude. debug (bool): Produce debug output. Optional, default value = False. Returns: tuple (float,float,float,float): Tuple containing (lon, lat, dist, diam): - lon (float): Geocentric ecliptic longitude of the Moon (rad). - lat (float): Geocentric ecliptic longitude of the Moon (rad). - dist (float): Geocentric distance of the Moon (km). - diam (float): Geocentric apparent diameter of the Moon (rad). Notes: - A reduced version of the ELP82 theory is used. - The necessary ELP82 terms can be read from file using the function readData(). References: - [Chapront-Touze & Chapront, A&A 190, 342 (1988)]( """ tjc = (jde-jd2000)/36525 # Julian Centuries after 2000.0 in dynamical time tjc2 = tjc**2 tjc3 = tjc*tjc2 tjc4 = tjc2**2 # Moon's mean longitude, Meeus p.338: lm = (3.8103408236 + 8399.7091116339958*tjc - 2.755176757e-5*tjc2 + 3.239043e-8*tjc3 - 2.6771e-10*tjc4) % pi2 # Delauney arguments [d, ms, mm, f] (Meeus p.338) = [D, l', l, F] in Simon et al. 1994, Sect. 3.5: d = (5.1984665298 + 7771.377144834*tjc - 3.2845e-5*tjc2 + 3.197347e-8*tjc3 - 1.5436512e-10*tjc4) % pi2 # Moon's mean elongation ms = (6.240060127 + 628.301955167*tjc - 2.681e-6*tjc2 + 7.1267017e-10*tjc3) % pi2 # Sun's mean anomaly mm = (2.355555637 + 8328.691424759*tjc + 1.52566e-4*tjc2 + 2.5041e-7*tjc3 - 1.18633e-9*tjc4) % pi2 # Moon's mean anomaly f = (1.627905158 + 8433.466158061*tjc - 6.3773e-5*tjc2 - 4.94988e-9*tjc3 + 2.02167e-11*tjc4) % pi2 # Moon's argument of latitute DelArgs = [d,ms,mm,f] # Delauney arguments e = 1 - 0.002516*tjc - 0.0000074*tjc2 # Compute ELP82 terms: lon=0; lat=0; dist=0 for iLine in range(60): # Data lines argl = 0 argb = 0 for iArg in range(4): # Integer arguments argl += lrTerms[iLine,iArg] * DelArgs[iArg] argb += bTerms[iLine,iArg] * DelArgs[iArg] lon += m.sin(argl) * lrTerms[iLine,4] * e**(abs(lrTerms[iLine,1])) lat += m.sin(argb) * bTerms[iLine,4] * e**(abs(bTerms[iLine,1])) dist += m.cos(argl) * lrTerms[iLine,5] * e**(abs(lrTerms[iLine,1])) # Save to print intermediate results: lon1 = lon lat1 = lat dist1 = dist # Perturbations by other planets, and flattening of the Earth: # Meeus, p.338: a1 = (2.090032 + 2.301199 * tjc) % pi2 # Influence of Venus a2 = (0.926595 + 8364.7398477 * tjc) % pi2 # Influence of Jupiter a3 = (5.4707345 + 8399.6847253 * tjc) % pi2 # Meeus, p.342: # dlon = (3958*m.sin(a1) + 1962*m.sin(lm-f) + 318*m.sin(a2)) * d2r * 1e-6 # dlat = (-2235*m.sin(lm) + 382*m.sin(a3) + 175*m.sin(a1-f) + 175*m.sin(a1+f) + 127*m.sin(lm-mm) - 115*m.sin(lm+mm)) * d2r * 1e-6 dlon = 6.908e-5*m.sin(a1) + 3.4243e-5*m.sin(lm-f) + 5.55e-6*m.sin(a2) dlat = -3.9008e-5*m.sin(lm) + 6.667e-6*m.sin(a3) + 3.0543e-6*m.sin(a1-f) + 3.0543e-6*m.sin(a1+f) + 2.2166e-6*m.sin(lm-mm) - 2.007e-6*m.sin(lm+mm) # Compute nutation in longitude: # omg = 2.18243858558 - 33.7570459367*tjc + 3.6142278e-5*tjc2 + 3.87850944888e-8*tjc3 # Moon's mean lon. of asc.node, Meeus p.144 # ls = 4.89506386655 + 62.84528862*tjc # Mean long. Sun, Meeus p.144 # dpsi = -8.338795e-5*m.sin(omg) - 6.39954e-6*m.sin(2*ls) - 1.115e-6*m.sin(2*lm) + 1.018e-6*m.sin(2*omg) dpsi = 0 # Add mean values: lon = (lon + dlon + lm + dpsi) % pi2 lat = lat + dlat dist = dist + 385000.56 # in km diam = 2*m.atan(moonRad/dist) if debug: print() print('compute_lbr():') print('%10s %25s %25s' % ('', 'rad/km/...','deg')) print() print('%10s %25.15f' % ('jde: ', jde) ) print('%10s %25.15f' % ('tjc: ', tjc) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('lm: ', lm, lm*r2d) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('d: ', d, d*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('ms: ', ms, ms*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('mm: ', mm, mm*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('f: ', f, f*r2d) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f' % ('e: ', e) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('a1: ', a1, a1*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('a2: ', a2, a2*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('a3: ', a3, a3*r2d) ) print() print("ELP82 sums:") print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('lon: ', lon1, lon1*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('lat: ', lat1, lat1*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f' % ('dist:', dist1) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('dlon: ', dlon, dlon*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('dlat: ', dlat, dlat*r2d) ) print() print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('lon: ', lon, lon*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('lat: ', lat, lat*r2d) ) print('%10s %25.15f' % ('dist: ', dist) ) print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('diam: ', diam, diam*r2d) ) print() # print('%10s %25.15f %25.15f' % ('x: ', x*r2d) ) return lon,lat,dist,diam